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We provide a highly experienced team of offshore banking agents, who can help you to open an offshore bank account in Dominica. Whether you are looking for offshore financial privacy, or you would simply like to open a bank account in Dominica, our highly reputable agents are available to help you through the process.
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Banking in Dominica

We provide a highly experienced team of offshore banking agents, who can help you to open an offshore bank account in Dominica. Whether you are looking for offshore financial privacy, or you would simply like to open a bank account in Dominica, our highly reputable agents are available to help you through the process. Please contact us with details about your banking needs. We will work quickly and at a reasonable cost to help you to open your offshore bank account in Dominica.

We trust that the information on this page will be helpful in paving the way for a fruitful and beneficial international relationship in the future. If you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Applying for a Banking License

Dominica offers offshore banking licenses to reputable individuals who follow the requirements set by the government of Dominica for obtaining an offshore banking license. These guidelines include:

Incorporation of a local company which will be the applicant for the banking license.
The client must then indicate:

    The proposed name of the offshore bank;
    The desired share capital to start the offshore bank;
    Minimum & Maximum number of Directors of the offshore bank facility;
    Bank directors names, occupation and mailing address.
    Completed application form.

    This form requires information to be provided in respect of the following:

    Financial standing and reputation of the beneficial owner;
    The beneficial owner's record in international business;
    The financial performance of affiliated companies for the preceding 3 years;
    The audited financial net worth of each shareholder, associated or affiliated company;
    The character and standing of each shareholder, director or proposed director;
    Evidence that the applicant company has paid up capital of at least US$1M in cash, or readily negotiated instruments or an irrevocable letter of credit stating that the money is held as the capital of the bank and will not be disbursed withoutthe consent of the Government.

Schedule of Fees

    Non-Refundable Application Processing Fee US$1,500.00
    License Registration FeeUS$8,000.00 pro-rated
    Annual License Renewal FeeUS$8,000.00 due by January 15

Capital Requirements

    Minimum start up capital of US$1,000,000 freely available in cash and or readily negotiable instruments.
    Total paid up capital plus reserves of accumulated profits less accumulated losses cannot be less than US$1,000,000 or its equivalent in another convertible currency.
    A Reserve Fund must be maintained and must not be below the level of the issued paid up capital of the company. Whenever the Reserve Fund falls below the level of the issued paid up capital of the company, at least 25% of net profit before payment of dividends, must be transferred to the Fund.
    Permanent capital of at least US$1,000,000 or 5% of deposit liabilities whichever is greater, must be maintained.
For more information about exempt insurance offshore, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Intellectual property is one of Caribbean Commercial & IP Law Practitioners LLP key practice areas for which the firm is a qualified trademark and patent agent. Caribbean Commercial & IP Law Practitioners LLP attorneys have both solid training in Intellectual Property Laws and cross disciplinary work experience many of whom are also certified patent/trademarks attorneys.
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